Saturday 17 September 2016

An Ode to "The School Drill"

September's here and school is back,
The weeks are passing quickly,
Routines take hold, familiar scenes,
The kids start feeling sickly,
In staggered sequence, so it goes,
For maximum disruption,
And working parents everywhere,
Fear a volcanic-like eruption,
As they explain to bosses dear,
That leave is badly needed,
Cos Johnny, Sam and Sarah too,
By sickness are impeded,
From going back to school that day
And so they'll miss the letter
That tells you headlice is back again
Scratching won't make it better,
Activities of different kinds,
Will feature every day,
Football, piano, swimming too,
There's little time to play.
The homework's back, the pain is real,
A battle has resumed,
With projects mounting by the week,
The parents are consumed,
With a dread they never felt before,
When they were back at school,
But dreading won't dispel the task,
They need keep their cool,
And coax reluctant school kids on,
Remind them what's at stake,
'Cos homework's here to stay for now,
Until the mid term break!

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